Every Circle has a Turn

This song is dedicated to a member of the Splintered Sunlight Family who brings the dance floor to life. She’s a “bull-headed twin,” Taurus/Gemini cusp. It was written during a Sun/Mercury/N.Node conjunction in Sagittarius, squaring Mars in Virgo.

The Circle Turner

“She dances in a ring of fire and throws off the challenge with a shrug.”- Jim Morrison, All the Poems

Every circle has a turn
has a fire to be burned like the sun
Every circle has a turn
has a night to lead the way to the sun

There ain’t a square that can’t fit a circle in its box of rain
There ain’t a moon that can’t shed a light upon your windowpane
There ain’t a song that’ll keep a dancer sitting on the side
There ain’t a dancer like the lady with a twirling in her eyes

Every circle has a turn
has a fire to be burned like the sun
Every circle has a turn
has a night to lead the way to the sun

There is a girl in the midnight floating on a cloud of sound
She is a wispy, waltzy wonder, glowing round and round
She paints a circle with her arms and paints a heart with care
Take your turn upon the dance floor, follow her spinning hair

And if you feel caught up, just get your feet unstuck and let your spirit lead the way
Forget about tomorrow and yesterday, just keep your focus on today
Join the circle dancer among the sparkling notes of the guitar
She’s a jewel-maker, sundrop nightshaker stirring up the stars

Every sunrise has a light
is a fight to keep the darkness away.
Every morning has a sun
is a reason to believe in everyone.

And every circle has a turn…

About signon2nine

Gemini Ascendant, Virgo Sun & Moon = Triple Mercury Mania. Practical Astrologer, Superficial Democrat, Passionate Communicator.

Posted on December 4, 2011, in astrology, Friends, Lyric Poems, music, Songs and tagged , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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