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MA Political Astrology: Martha Coakley (D-Cancer) vs Scott Brown (R-Virgo) for late Sen. Ted Kennedy Seat

[tweetmeme]First, I want to start by sending a positive energy wave to the late Senator Edward Kennedy (D-Pisces). You are missed and I hope your good work will never be forgotten.

Now, for the nitty-gritty question: Who will be voted to succeed his place in the Massachusetts Senate special election that takes place tomorrow, Tuesday, January 19, 2010? Well, I’ll tell you something— I’m not a fan of “predicting” things with astrology because I believe in free will as much as I believe in the planets—but when I looked at the charts of Martha Coakley (born July 14, 1953, Cancer) and Scott Brown (born September 12, 1959, Virgo), I couldn’t help but notice Brown’s chart is stronger at this point in time.

Now, for one thing, as superficial as it sounds, this guy, Scott Brown, is good looking, not to mention he posed nude in Cosmopolitan. (Um, Neptune, anyone?) I can admit to being superficial and in politics you have to take into account that many voters are very superficial when it comes to choosing their candidates. It’s sad but it’s true. Looking at Brown’s Progressed/Natal chart (below), my first glance is focused on the Sun, Venus, Neptune, and also the Moon but not so much because I don’t have an accuarate time of birth. Instantly, I see Neptune, the planet of glamour, smoke and mirrors, escape, Savior-syndrome, and all the delusion and salvation that it conjures up in humanity. Not only are Brown’s progressed Mars and Sun conjunct his natal Neptune, but also transiting Neptune is in a wide opposition to his natal Venus. The Venus/Neptune aspect also exists as a sextile in his natal chart. Transiting Jupiter is also in almost exact opposition to his natal Venus and progressed Venus in a separating conjunction to his natal Sun. Another Venusian indicator is transiting Saturn currently in Libra (and the sign of its exaltation) conjunct his natal north node. In short, these transits can be seen as “favorable” in astrology especially in regards to popularity, which is a superficial and fickle thing but it gets people elected.

A quick note on Brown’s Moon, a planet that is a strong indicator of popularity. It can be anywhere between 18 degrees Capricorn and 1 degree Aquarius with his 9/12/59 birthdate. Why is this important? Well, currently the transiting north node is at 21 degrees Capricorn and if he also has a Moon/Node connection, in addition to the Saturn North Node transit I mentioned earlier, he’s got favorable planetary timing on his side. The North Node in astrology is almost always a positive auspice to be hoped for in times such as these. Also, his estimated progressed Moon is lurking around in a conjunction with his natal Jupiter, another good indicator of likability and positive public opinion.

Moving on to Martha Coakley’s chart, I see no such indication of the “Wow-Factor”—something that is desperately needed in a special election. Besides having a natal Venus/Jupiter conjunction, natal Sun/Mars/Uranus conjunction, and likely Moon/Pluto conjunction (no birth time-no exact accuracy on Moon position), I don’t see any current transits or progressions that are strong enough to combat the favorable activity in Scott Brown’s chart. Whereas Brown had a double-whammy of North Node activity, Coakley has a double-whammy of the South Node: 1) transiting her natal Sun/Mars/Uranus conjunction and; 2) natal South Node in a wide conjunction with progressed Venus conjunct natal retrograde Mercury. In astrology, the South Node is less-known for granting material success; however, it represents ease, spiritual gifts, and pitfalls in some instances. In Coakley’s case, it looks like complacency set in. It was said that Coakley did not do the things needed to win this election—for example, she did not get out and knock on doors, speak with voters, and get her face in front of people. What did Brown do? He got endorsed by Doug Flutie and Curt Schilling, two prominent sports figures in Massachusetts. What can I say? Even her chart looks a little boring (below). I hope the Massachusetts Democrats prove me wrong and go out and vote blue, otherwise, Mr. Glamour-and-no-substance may just get elected into a seat once held by our Last Lion, Ted Kennedy.