Monthly Archives: November 2010

National Political Astrology: Mr. Scorpio Speaker of the House- John Boehner, (R) Ohio

[tweetmeme] In the funeral wake of the loss of Democratic power in the U.S. House of Representatives during the current Venus Retrograde in Scorpio, I wanted to shine the light on the power of the new Speaker of the House: Scorpio, John Boehner, (R) Ohio. As astrology will tell you, the sign of Scorpio, ruled by the power planet, Pluto, is strong-willed, extreme, powerful, obsessive, secretive, and probing. Speaker Boehner will assume his new leadership role, after Aries, Nancy Pelosi, (D) California.

I find it interesting that soon-to-be former Speaker Pelosi’s Aries Sun is ruled by Mars, while soon-to-be Speaker Boehner’s Scorpio Sun is ruled by Mars’ higher octave, Pluto. In fact, astrology lore tells us that Scorpio’s former ruler was Mars, before Pluto was discovered in 1913, and there are still many astrologers who uphold Mars‘ rulership of both Aries and Scorpio. The point being, we are not losing a fighter in the U.S. House of Representatives—we have a different warrior.

I decided to pull up Speaker John Boehner’s astro chart, born November 11, 1949, and look at the progressions and transits on election day, November 2, 2010. I’ve used a default 6am birth time as I do not have an exact time of birth, so the Ascendant, House positions, and Moon will not be taken into account. Aspects of note are listed below:

  • Note: Boehner’s Natal Moon can be anywhere between 11-26 degrees Libra, based on the day of birth and the Moon’s travel speed. This is important as the planet Saturn is current traveling around 12 degrees Libra (its sign of exaltation) and can bring rewards for hard work.
  • Natal Sun/Mercury conjunction in Scorpio square Pluto in Leo. Progressed Sun/Mercury conjunction in Capricorn, conjunct natal Jupiter: This is a very important set of aspects! Nothing says “Speaker of the House” better than the Sun and Mercury in harmony, with planetary aspects to powerful Pluto, expansive Jupiter, in the backdrop of public recognition in the sign of Capricorn?
  • Transiting Mercury in Scorpio approaching conjunction with natal Mercury in Scorpio: Boehner’s Mercury Return occurred soon after the election. Another nod to Mercury, the ruler of communication.
  • Natal Venus in Capricorn trine natal Saturn/Mars conjunction in Virgo. Progressed Venus opposite natal Pluto: Another reinforcement of transiting Saturn, exalted in Libra (ruled by Venus). John Boehner is known to be a fiscal conservative, among other things, and his natal chart reflects delayed gratification, small business, favoring lobbyists, etc, with Venus in Capricorn (ruled by Saturn) in aspect to Mars and Saturn. It is also extremely interesting to see Pluto and Venus (power and money, big business) together. Restructuring of finances, anyone?
  • Natal Mars/Saturn conjunction in Virgo: Hard…work…sustained…effort…steady…climb…to…the…top…criticizing…all…the..way…
  • Natal Uranus in Cancer opposite transiting Pluto/North Node conjunction in Capricorn/conjunct transiting South Node in Cancer: Boehner was able to tap into the will of the people (South Node in Cancer) who wanted dramatic change (Uranus) in government leadership (Pluto/North Node in Capricorn).