Monthly Archives: February 2011

Mercury, Mars, Neptune Conjunction in Aquarius: Humanity speaks and acts out against inequality

Unrest in Egypt, Tunisia, Bahrain and Yemen.

Unsuccessful budget negotiations and protests in Wisconsin and threats of U.S. Government shutdown.

Full moon in Leo opposite the Sun, Mercury, Mars, Neptune conjunction in Aquarius. (Note: The full moon was void of course and occurred on Fri, Feb 18th at 3:36am EST.)

If you haven’t been living under a rock or ignoring the major news wires, you’ve noticed that people across the globe are speaking out (Mercury), acting out (Mars), and demanding their rights from exploitative and oppressive institutions (Neptune).

The sign of Aquarius, ruled by Uranus, represents political unrest, anarchy, independence, equality, and humanity. I just wanted to shed light on the planetary forces in play during these events. Additionally, Chiron is transiting close by at 0 degrees Pisces (if you follow Western astrology, however, sidereal astrology will have Chiron in Aquarius).

On a personal level, the Sun, Mercury,  Mars, Neptune, and Chiron are transiting my natal 10th house of career, reputation, and goals. When I’m not reading an ephemeris, casting a chart, and blogging on astrology as a part-time hobby, I work full-time at the  Center for High Impact Philanthropy at the University of Pennsylvania. Much of my work is computer-based which includes graphic design, web maintenance, information management, and social media outreach, coordination/consulting, and marketing.

In the midst of the current planetary alignment, our Center released a report on how philanthropy (Neptune) can help improve teaching quality for high-need, at-risk high school students (Mercury/Mars) in the United States (Moon). If you’re interested in our findings, you can read “High Impact Philanthropy to Improve Teaching Quality” here: You can also follow related news and updates on twitter at @ImpactTeaching: