Monthly Archives: May 2010

Uranus is now in Aries. Eccentrics, fire when ready!

[tweetmeme]I just wanted to post something as I’ve left this blog for dead over the last few months. It happens. True to my Uranian work nature (natal Uranus in the 6th house of routine), I’m not very consistent with many projects that I start. Eventually, I come around to updating, checking, and maintaining certain things, but Saturn is still banging me over the head with his mantra to be “systematic.” Sigh…

Anyway, in honor of Uranus entering the sign of Aries, I changed my blog theme and Photoshopped a new header image.

How is Uranus affecting your chart or your life? It’s currently opposing my natal Sun, Mercury, and Venus conjunction. Transiting Saturn is in the fray from the opposite side, forming conjunctions with the aforementioned planets. Lovely! Yes, it is, I’m actually being serious. For now…

My progressed Mercury is sitting on natal Uranus as well, while progressed Venus is slowly making her way to conjunct natal Uranus in the next few years. Oh, and progressed Mars is creeping through Leo, forming a wide square to Uranus as well. Speaking of Mars/Uranus, I need to get back into the firing range for some target practice. My preferred shooting mechanism is a .38 revolver.

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