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Interview with Author and Cosmopolitan Astrologer, Hazel Dixon-Cooper (and FREE book giveaway!)

[tweetmeme] On the brink of a lovely new moon in Libra, I’m pleased to be able to host one of my favorite authors on the subject of astrology, Hazel Dixon-Cooper. Her latest book, Work on a Rotten Day, is available on and one lucky reader and commenter on my blog will receive a FREE copy!

SignOn2Nine: Astrologers usually have a heads-up on the effects of the upcoming planetary configurations. Did you plan this Work on a Rotten Day blog tour during the current Jupiter/Uranus conjunction due to its surprisingly lucky, unexpectedly opportunistic vibe?

Hazel Dixon-Cooper: Yes. My natal Sun is 27º Pisces and this conjuction occurs not only in my sign but so close to exact that it’s wildly exciting.

SignOn2Nine: Where does this conjunction fall in your own chart?

Hazel Dixon-Cooper: The 11th House. Lucky encounters with new people and groups, new doors opening, breaking new ground. Uranus is also Trine my natal Jupiter, which is at 27º Scorpio in the 6th House, another strongly positive aspect. However, even when the stars indicate the possibility of good things, we still have to make the effort to look for opportunities and make the most of them.

SignOn2Nine: I noticed on facebook that you have a Pisces birthday (March 18). How much do you own/disown your “dustbin of the zodiac,” Pisces rotten day-ness?

Hazel Dixon-Cooper: I love my Pisces rotten-day-ness!

SignOn2Nine: Since you’re near the Aries cusp, do you aspire to be one instead?

Hazel Dixon-Cooper: Nope. I’m not close enough to the cusp to have any Aries traits. In fact, I have very little Fire in my chart which means it takes a lot to push me from friendly dolphin into Jaws mode. I would like to have more of the Ram’s ballsy courage.

SignOn2Nine: Do you get along with Virgos, your polar opposite?

Hazel Dixon-Cooper: Some of my closest friends are Virgos or have Virgo Moons. We get along fine because we’ve learned to appreciate our polar opposite ways of thinking…and know when to kick each other’s butts.

SignOn2Nine: I’ve read Stella Hyde’s Darkside Zodiac in Love and Darkside Zodiac at Work. They’re good but mimic the theme of your books, as I was attracted to hers after reading yours. In fact, I believe your Rotten Day series started in 2002 before her Darkside Zodiac series in 2004.

Hazel Dixon-Cooper: That’s correct. Her series was the first of many dark-side focused books to appear after the success of Born on a Rotten Day and Love on a Rotten Day. I was flattered to see that happen.

SignOn2Nine: How does your book, Work on a Rotten Day, compare to Darkside Zodiac at Work?

Hazel Dixon-Cooper: Work on a Rotten Day shows you how to handle yourself around the various nutty characters for and with whom you work. Although it points out your own bad behaviors and shoot-yourself-in-the-foot traits, it offers specific advice in a positive way on how to recognize and change them.

SignOn2Nine: Would you challenge Stella Hyde to a Pisces/Cancer, water sign astro-duel? (Apparently, Hyde is a Cancer:

Hazel Dixon-Cooper: “I don’t duel,” said the non-confrontational Fish.

SignOn2Nine: On the subject of work and the 6th house, what routines do you adhere to when writing your books?

Hazel Dixon-Cooper: Routines? You’re talking to a procrastinating Pisces. The good news about my 6th House is my Scorpio Jupiter. That makes me somewhat of a workalcoholic and more focused. However, I’ve had to learn to 1) operate from my Virgo opposition to stay organized, 2) overcome my Neptune-bestowed tendency to fantasize that I can write a million words by sundown of deadline day, and 3) balance work and play. We all deal with this on some level. For me it’s still a daily struggle.

SignOn2Nine: As a teenager, I was a regular reader of Cosmo Bedside Astrology long before I began to study astrology in my mid-20s. I also used to steal the little Bedside Astrology booklets from Cosmopolitan magazine, obviously to read them by my bedside. How do you feel about that?

Hazel Dixon-Cooper: You were the victim of your larcenous Gemini ascendant. Thank your lucky stars that your double-Virgo-ness put the brakes on your career of crime early.

SignOn2Nine: Do you favor the Placidus or Equal house system? Why?

Hazel Dixon-Cooper: Placidus. It’s what I learned because most Western astrologers used it at that time and it’s still the most popular today. I think it adds more nuance to the natal chart.

SignOn2Nine: Who are your top 5 music artists?

Hazel Dixon-Cooper: That’s difficult. I love music and have favorites from classical to punk. These are among my favorites.

  1. Norah Jones
  2. Van Morrison
  3. Eric Clapton
  4. R. Carlos Nakai
  5. Rhianna

SignOn2Nine: What advice would you give to someone looking to become a professional astrologer?

Hazel Dixon-Cooper:

Read. There are many good astrology books for beginners. One that I recommend often is The Only Astrology Book You’ll Ever Need by Joanne Martine Woolfolk. It’s a classic in basic astrology and written for the lay person or novice student.

Study chart interpretation. Practice on yourself, friends, and family. It’s easy to get a free chart and mini-interpretation from the Internet. I’d recommend doing that before investing in a software program. Anyone can buy a software program and spit out a computerized report. To be a good astrologer, you have to understand what you’re seeing. You also have to have a feel for people. Listen to what they say. See them for the individual being they are. Astrology is so multi-layered, and so is every person.

Investigate free lessons online. Many popular astrology websites have free lessons that can help the beginner not only to learn, but to decide whether he or she is serious about the profession before investing time and money in a formal program.

SignOn2Nine: Is there any professional or educational training that you would recommend?

Hazel Dixon-Cooper:

The American Federation of Astrologers, of which I’m a member, offers different levels of professional certification through a correspondence course. Details are at:

The International Academy of Astrology offers an online professional training course. Details at:

Thank you, Autumn, for having me here today. I enjoyed it!

SignOn2Nine: Thank you, Hazel! I’m still reeling in the excitement of having the opportunity to interview you and am so excited to read your latest book. I will add it to my Rotten Day collection.

Readers, don’t forget, one of you will WIN A COPY of Hazel Dixon-Cooper’s new book, Work on a Rotten Day. All you have to do is leave a comment (please keep it related to astrology) and I will pick my favorite response to get a free copy of the book. Happy New Moon!!!

MA Political Astrology: Martha Coakley (D-Cancer) vs Scott Brown (R-Virgo) for late Sen. Ted Kennedy Seat

[tweetmeme]First, I want to start by sending a positive energy wave to the late Senator Edward Kennedy (D-Pisces). You are missed and I hope your good work will never be forgotten.

Now, for the nitty-gritty question: Who will be voted to succeed his place in the Massachusetts Senate special election that takes place tomorrow, Tuesday, January 19, 2010? Well, I’ll tell you something— I’m not a fan of “predicting” things with astrology because I believe in free will as much as I believe in the planets—but when I looked at the charts of Martha Coakley (born July 14, 1953, Cancer) and Scott Brown (born September 12, 1959, Virgo), I couldn’t help but notice Brown’s chart is stronger at this point in time.

Now, for one thing, as superficial as it sounds, this guy, Scott Brown, is good looking, not to mention he posed nude in Cosmopolitan. (Um, Neptune, anyone?) I can admit to being superficial and in politics you have to take into account that many voters are very superficial when it comes to choosing their candidates. It’s sad but it’s true. Looking at Brown’s Progressed/Natal chart (below), my first glance is focused on the Sun, Venus, Neptune, and also the Moon but not so much because I don’t have an accuarate time of birth. Instantly, I see Neptune, the planet of glamour, smoke and mirrors, escape, Savior-syndrome, and all the delusion and salvation that it conjures up in humanity. Not only are Brown’s progressed Mars and Sun conjunct his natal Neptune, but also transiting Neptune is in a wide opposition to his natal Venus. The Venus/Neptune aspect also exists as a sextile in his natal chart. Transiting Jupiter is also in almost exact opposition to his natal Venus and progressed Venus in a separating conjunction to his natal Sun. Another Venusian indicator is transiting Saturn currently in Libra (and the sign of its exaltation) conjunct his natal north node. In short, these transits can be seen as “favorable” in astrology especially in regards to popularity, which is a superficial and fickle thing but it gets people elected.

A quick note on Brown’s Moon, a planet that is a strong indicator of popularity. It can be anywhere between 18 degrees Capricorn and 1 degree Aquarius with his 9/12/59 birthdate. Why is this important? Well, currently the transiting north node is at 21 degrees Capricorn and if he also has a Moon/Node connection, in addition to the Saturn North Node transit I mentioned earlier, he’s got favorable planetary timing on his side. The North Node in astrology is almost always a positive auspice to be hoped for in times such as these. Also, his estimated progressed Moon is lurking around in a conjunction with his natal Jupiter, another good indicator of likability and positive public opinion.

Moving on to Martha Coakley’s chart, I see no such indication of the “Wow-Factor”—something that is desperately needed in a special election. Besides having a natal Venus/Jupiter conjunction, natal Sun/Mars/Uranus conjunction, and likely Moon/Pluto conjunction (no birth time-no exact accuracy on Moon position), I don’t see any current transits or progressions that are strong enough to combat the favorable activity in Scott Brown’s chart. Whereas Brown had a double-whammy of North Node activity, Coakley has a double-whammy of the South Node: 1) transiting her natal Sun/Mars/Uranus conjunction and; 2) natal South Node in a wide conjunction with progressed Venus conjunct natal retrograde Mercury. In astrology, the South Node is less-known for granting material success; however, it represents ease, spiritual gifts, and pitfalls in some instances. In Coakley’s case, it looks like complacency set in. It was said that Coakley did not do the things needed to win this election—for example, she did not get out and knock on doors, speak with voters, and get her face in front of people. What did Brown do? He got endorsed by Doug Flutie and Curt Schilling, two prominent sports figures in Massachusetts. What can I say? Even her chart looks a little boring (below). I hope the Massachusetts Democrats prove me wrong and go out and vote blue, otherwise, Mr. Glamour-and-no-substance may just get elected into a seat once held by our Last Lion, Ted Kennedy.

Sarah Palin (R-Aquarius): A FOX-Y Failure in the Fog of Neptune

[tweetmeme]Ah, Siobhan, if it hadn’t been for your timely facebook reminder of this travesty, I would have went to bed without posting. So, FOX News has finally acquired its finest ASSet to date by bringing Sarah Palin into the fetid warmth of lies within its ignorant embrace. And why not? Why wouldn’t the Elephantine, Grand Ol’ Party of No say “Hell Yes”—no, wait—”HEAVEN Yes” to Sarah Palin? To be honest, I had the fleeting inclination to consider John McCain for the Presidency (because he’s a fellow Virgo…superficial, I know) but that decision went straight to the Pagan den of HELL to rot with Hades and Persephone when, along came Sarah Palin (Aquarius). She proved to be a disgrace to the modern American professional woman. Instead of presenting herself as an intelligent, cultured, and respectable leader in American politics, Sarah Palin damaged the likelihood of a woman winning a spot in the Executive Office.

Let’s look at a brief list of prominent female figures: Hillary Clinton (Scorpio), Nancy Pelosi (Aries), and Condoleezza Rice (Scorpio)— all very accomplished with outstanding academic and/or professional backgrounds. When they are seen in public, they exude confidence, refinement, and mental acuity, even more so than many of their male colleagues. Whether or not this is an accurate or authentic representation of who they really are, it fits in with the current standard of what is expected of our Nation’s leaders. Now, let’s look at another brief list of prominent female figures: Britney Spears (Sagittarius), Paris Hilton (Aquarius), Lindsay Lohan (Cancer)—all known for their pretty faces, perfect bodies, and entertaining lifestyles but could never be taken seriously enough to be considered for any kind of respectable position in society, let alone political office. What does this comparison serve to illustrate? That we have been conditioned to believe that smart, respectable women are conservative in appearance with less than extraordinary physical features, while unintelligent and scandalous women are outlandish and scantily clad in appearance with impeccable physical features. We have few examples of both intelligence and beauty integrated into a prominent female figure who is also taken seriously and believed to be on the same mental, physical, or political level as a man with the same qualities.

Sarah Palin has a favorable mix of physical attractiveness and conservative appearance. While the Presidential campaign exposed the truth of her less than spectacular educational background, she could have played her role as Vice-Presidential candidate a bit smarter…literally. I don’t mean to downplay the accomplishment of her election to the Governor’s office in the state of Alaska, as well as holding the office of the Mayor as well—both positions would require a wide array of skills, acumen, and intelligence. However, those attributes were not what she presented to the American public and International audiences. Instead, she came across as a stereotypical backwoods hick, “hot” chick in a suit, ignorant of the world around her, and worse…a woman who can’t rear her own family properly.

The issues of femininity, gender roles, professionalism, and public opinion are age-old and ever-changing. There are some that will argue in favor of Sarah Palin either because they believe it was the fault of the McCain campaign and the Republican Party for even thinking of choosing someone who was clearly unqualified for the job. There are others who would say that she was unfairly targeted because of her looks and that someone else may not have been subjected to the same probing questions, invasions of privacy, and snap judgments that she had to endure. On the other hand, appropriate public appearance and favorable public opinion are vital factors in politics. Being a hypocrite is only bad if one is actually caught being a hypocrite; otherwise, for the most part, it is of the utmost importance to maintain an ideal image, by any means, if one wants to remain in office and stay employed in the world of governmental affairs. It is even more important for women to play their public and professional cards very wisely, as there is still a long road ahead in order to compete and thrive in the public space with their male counterparts. Had Sarah Palin taken her role as a groundbreaking female political figure a bit more seriously, she could have been another addition to the small but growing list of exemplary women for younger generations to model themselves after for future success. Instead, we are left to wonder if perhaps a woman just isn’t quite ready to take on the role as President just yet.

Looking at Palin’s chart (born February 11, 1964, per Wikipedia), the most obvious influence she’s been under over last few months has been transiting Jupiter, Neptune, and Chiron conjunct her natal Sun, Mars, Saturn conjunction. This triple conjunction of the natal Sun, Mars, and Saturn is also squared by her natal Neptune. Additionally, her progressed Venus is in wide opposition to her natal Neptune. What does all this mean? Well, she’s under one hell of a Neptune, god-like aura, “It was God’s plan,” make-me-a-celebrity, delusional transit. The qualities associated with Neptune can soar to the heights of the beautiful, ethereal, sublime, and spiritual. Neptune can also fall under the guise of false prophets, drug addicts, liars, and cheats. It seems as though Palin’s sudden rise to fame and constant life in the spotlight triggered her narcissistic streak to the Nth degree. Designer clothes, $100,00 speaker fees, the “God’s plan” assertion all stink of Neptune’s influence. Not to mention, good old larger-than-life Jupiter is lending to the extremes in her feelings of “specialness.” Well, Sarah Palin better buy a pair of those new Reebok Easytone sneakers to build up her gluteal muscles so that she has some padding as she falls down on her dumb ass when the transit finally passes. (See chart below. Default 6am birth time used- actual birth time unknown or unverified.)