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Mercury Retrograde: Returns and Regrets!

As many of you may know, we are in the midst of a Mercury Retrograde traveling through Sagittarius. If you are like me and are ruled my Mercury—all day, every day—then you may be suffering from acute cleverness and agility withdrawal. You also may find that you are returning to or regretting something.

Regret: Just this morning, I made the horrible mistake of taking scissors to my bangs as I was rushing out of the house for work. The result? I chopped off 3 inches of hair in the front of my head from my already short hair which turned me into a female Friar Tuck! This Gemini Ascendant is NOT PLEASED.

Return: That hair travesty aside, I did edit my blog a bit—I added some of my songs and music articles—and have revisited the novel I began writing last winter. The Objectives of Urania Zed sprung out of the intense Uranus transits I’ve been experiencing: T Uranus opp N Mercury & Venus and conj P Midheaven; P Mercury conj N Uranus. I’m also the child of two highly Uranian parents.

Urania Zed, the heroine, is a senior in high school when the novel begins and she endures some pretty heavy events early on which drive her into a web of self-discovery, earthly and universal mysteries, and deathly adventures. My characters are all linked to astrology, tarot, and other spiritual references. I hope you’ll check it out and let me know what you think. Tell your friends too!

Read Chapter 1: The Terms of the Espiri

Sarah Palin (R-Aquarius): A FOX-Y Failure in the Fog of Neptune

[tweetmeme]Ah, Siobhan, if it hadn’t been for your timely facebook reminder of this travesty, I would have went to bed without posting. So, FOX News has finally acquired its finest ASSet to date by bringing Sarah Palin into the fetid warmth of lies within its ignorant embrace. And why not? Why wouldn’t the Elephantine, Grand Ol’ Party of No say “Hell Yes”—no, wait—”HEAVEN Yes” to Sarah Palin? To be honest, I had the fleeting inclination to consider John McCain for the Presidency (because he’s a fellow Virgo…superficial, I know) but that decision went straight to the Pagan den of HELL to rot with Hades and Persephone when, along came Sarah Palin (Aquarius). She proved to be a disgrace to the modern American professional woman. Instead of presenting herself as an intelligent, cultured, and respectable leader in American politics, Sarah Palin damaged the likelihood of a woman winning a spot in the Executive Office.

Let’s look at a brief list of prominent female figures: Hillary Clinton (Scorpio), Nancy Pelosi (Aries), and Condoleezza Rice (Scorpio)— all very accomplished with outstanding academic and/or professional backgrounds. When they are seen in public, they exude confidence, refinement, and mental acuity, even more so than many of their male colleagues. Whether or not this is an accurate or authentic representation of who they really are, it fits in with the current standard of what is expected of our Nation’s leaders. Now, let’s look at another brief list of prominent female figures: Britney Spears (Sagittarius), Paris Hilton (Aquarius), Lindsay Lohan (Cancer)—all known for their pretty faces, perfect bodies, and entertaining lifestyles but could never be taken seriously enough to be considered for any kind of respectable position in society, let alone political office. What does this comparison serve to illustrate? That we have been conditioned to believe that smart, respectable women are conservative in appearance with less than extraordinary physical features, while unintelligent and scandalous women are outlandish and scantily clad in appearance with impeccable physical features. We have few examples of both intelligence and beauty integrated into a prominent female figure who is also taken seriously and believed to be on the same mental, physical, or political level as a man with the same qualities.

Sarah Palin has a favorable mix of physical attractiveness and conservative appearance. While the Presidential campaign exposed the truth of her less than spectacular educational background, she could have played her role as Vice-Presidential candidate a bit smarter…literally. I don’t mean to downplay the accomplishment of her election to the Governor’s office in the state of Alaska, as well as holding the office of the Mayor as well—both positions would require a wide array of skills, acumen, and intelligence. However, those attributes were not what she presented to the American public and International audiences. Instead, she came across as a stereotypical backwoods hick, “hot” chick in a suit, ignorant of the world around her, and worse…a woman who can’t rear her own family properly.

The issues of femininity, gender roles, professionalism, and public opinion are age-old and ever-changing. There are some that will argue in favor of Sarah Palin either because they believe it was the fault of the McCain campaign and the Republican Party for even thinking of choosing someone who was clearly unqualified for the job. There are others who would say that she was unfairly targeted because of her looks and that someone else may not have been subjected to the same probing questions, invasions of privacy, and snap judgments that she had to endure. On the other hand, appropriate public appearance and favorable public opinion are vital factors in politics. Being a hypocrite is only bad if one is actually caught being a hypocrite; otherwise, for the most part, it is of the utmost importance to maintain an ideal image, by any means, if one wants to remain in office and stay employed in the world of governmental affairs. It is even more important for women to play their public and professional cards very wisely, as there is still a long road ahead in order to compete and thrive in the public space with their male counterparts. Had Sarah Palin taken her role as a groundbreaking female political figure a bit more seriously, she could have been another addition to the small but growing list of exemplary women for younger generations to model themselves after for future success. Instead, we are left to wonder if perhaps a woman just isn’t quite ready to take on the role as President just yet.

Looking at Palin’s chart (born February 11, 1964, per Wikipedia), the most obvious influence she’s been under over last few months has been transiting Jupiter, Neptune, and Chiron conjunct her natal Sun, Mars, Saturn conjunction. This triple conjunction of the natal Sun, Mars, and Saturn is also squared by her natal Neptune. Additionally, her progressed Venus is in wide opposition to her natal Neptune. What does all this mean? Well, she’s under one hell of a Neptune, god-like aura, “It was God’s plan,” make-me-a-celebrity, delusional transit. The qualities associated with Neptune can soar to the heights of the beautiful, ethereal, sublime, and spiritual. Neptune can also fall under the guise of false prophets, drug addicts, liars, and cheats. It seems as though Palin’s sudden rise to fame and constant life in the spotlight triggered her narcissistic streak to the Nth degree. Designer clothes, $100,00 speaker fees, the “God’s plan” assertion all stink of Neptune’s influence. Not to mention, good old larger-than-life Jupiter is lending to the extremes in her feelings of “specialness.” Well, Sarah Palin better buy a pair of those new Reebok Easytone sneakers to build up her gluteal muscles so that she has some padding as she falls down on her dumb ass when the transit finally passes. (See chart below. Default 6am birth time used- actual birth time unknown or unverified.)

National Political Astrology: Sagittarius Harry Reid (D) Makes a Negregious Slur

[tweetmeme]First, the Census 2010 has the word “Negro” as an option for racial classification. Then, Sen. Harry Reid of Nevada says President Barack Obama lacks a “Negro dialect.” What is the deal with all this Negregiousness? Okay, I’m being a little silly, but really, is it that big of a deal? How old is Harry Reid? Um, he’s 70…and he’s a Sagittarius. His natal Mercury is not only in Sagittarius, too, but it is also, you guessed it, Retrograde. Sagittarians are born with Centaurian “hoof-in-mouth” syndrome and lack of tact. Just ask Nancy Pelosi about their inappropriate public gestures. But of all the signs of the Zodiac, Sagittarians are one of the least likely to be racist. Why? They are ruled by Jupiter, the ruler of foreign places, expansive consciousness, higher learning, and generosity. Now, I’m not saying there aren’t any Sagitta-racists, I’m just giving you some food for thought.

Give Senator Reid a break. His natal and progressed Mercury are both receiving transits from the Jupiter, Neptune, and Chiron conjunction, while transiting Pluto is sitting on his natal Venus, and transiting Uranus, in concert with natal Pluto and natal Neptune, are forming aspects to his progressed Venus. In short, his reputation is taking a beating and the public is not very appreciative of him right now, while the media is using his words and actions against him rather than for him. His progressed Sun is awfully close to Chiron and Neptune which can sometimes be a signal of retirement but we will see how he fares in the upcoming election. In any case, I’ve got nothing against the man.