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National Political Astrology: Sagittarius Harry Reid (D) Makes a Negregious Slur

[tweetmeme]First, the Census 2010 has the word “Negro” as an option for racial classification. Then, Sen. Harry Reid of Nevada says President Barack Obama lacks a “Negro dialect.” What is the deal with all this Negregiousness? Okay, I’m being a little silly, but really, is it that big of a deal? How old is Harry Reid? Um, he’s 70…and he’s a Sagittarius. His natal Mercury is not only in Sagittarius, too, but it is also, you guessed it, Retrograde. Sagittarians are born with Centaurian “hoof-in-mouth” syndrome and lack of tact. Just ask Nancy Pelosi about their inappropriate public gestures. But of all the signs of the Zodiac, Sagittarians are one of the least likely to be racist. Why? They are ruled by Jupiter, the ruler of foreign places, expansive consciousness, higher learning, and generosity. Now, I’m not saying there aren’t any Sagitta-racists, I’m just giving you some food for thought.

Give Senator Reid a break. His natal and progressed Mercury are both receiving transits from the Jupiter, Neptune, and Chiron conjunction, while transiting Pluto is sitting on his natal Venus, and transiting Uranus, in concert with natal Pluto and natal Neptune, are forming aspects to his progressed Venus. In short, his reputation is taking a beating and the public is not very appreciative of him right now, while the media is using his words and actions against him rather than for him. His progressed Sun is awfully close to Chiron and Neptune which can sometimes be a signal of retirement but we will see how he fares in the upcoming election. In any case, I’ve got nothing against the man.